We are getting back on track and have many volunteer opportunities coming up!
The Friends' staffed Concierge Desk at NCTC is up and running. The training for Docent Tours of the NCTC Museum was held, and those volunteers are ready to help out. If these are among your interests, please contact us at info@friendsofnctc.org.
For more details about the following opportunities, check our website or follow up through the contacts listed with the activity:
- Friday, April 12: Shepherd Elementary School.
- NCTC Staff and Friends members will present a program about Eagles to two 4th grade classes. If you would like to help us grow this program for elementary students in the surrounding area, please contact Joe Spurgas at jspurgas@gmail.com.
- Saturday, April 27: Morgan Grove Park, Shepherdstown.
- The Friends will have a booth at the Shepherdstown Community Club’s Earth Day Celebration. Volunteer to help at the booth, or stop by. To get more information on how to volunteer, please contact Janet Olcott at jwo123rms@aol.com.
- Friday, May 10: NCTC will host 100 second graders from Rosemont Elementary School.
- Volunteers are needed to help host all of the activities, and to receive in-event training so that the Friends can expend this program for students to visit NCTC. For more information, please contact Randy Robinson at 304-876-7450 or randy_robinson@fws.gov.
- Saturday, May 11: NCTC Open House (on Campus).
- The Friends will host 2 booths at the long awaited return of the Open House. Lots of family and kid friendly activities will be available. To volunteer for the booth or to help visitors plant a tree, please contact Ellen Murphy at ellen.l.murphy@comcast.net.