Would you like to volunteer for Weed Warrior Day?
Volunteers are needed at the NCTC to help remove invasive plants and exotics to prevent them from taking over the forest understory. We'll be removing plants like mustard garlic, jetbead, Japanese painted fern, exotic shrub winged euonymus, and Euonymus alata.
If you'd like to join us, meet at 1:00 in front of NCTC Entry. We will work until 4:30, but understand your time might be limited. We appreciate any time you can give!
Please wear long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, and a hat.
Friends of the National Conservation Training Center | P.O. Box 1452, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Email: info@friendsofnctc.org | www.friendsofnctc.org