Our Annual Meeting will be held on Zoom, on September 9, 2020, at 7 pm.
The Friends have had an interesting and difficult year, as have we all. The Campus closed in March, and no reopening date has yet been announced. Our lecture series has resumed online, monthly through NCTC’s Facebook page.
The Board participated in a Fish and Wildlife sponsored Mentorship Training program late in March. We have been hard at work in the ensuing months developing new programs for members to participate in our role linking NCTC to the community. We think we have some exciting new opportunities to share. We will be asking for volunteers in the near future so that when the facility reopens, we are ready for training in our new endeavors. The scope of these projects is broad and we will need member participation to bring these plans into action.
Please consider lending a hand!
Here is a link to all existing and proposed new programs.
Thank you for all of your support! We look forward to seeing you in the future!
Friends of the National Conservation Training Center | P.O. Box 1452, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Email: info@friendsofnctc.org | www.friendsofnctc.org